My Approach

Design Thinking

In my early content design career, I completed IDEO's training for the Design Thinking ideology and process—and realized I've been generally following it for years. As any designer would, I’ll adapt to projects and companies that have limitations and tight timelines, but I’ll follow a similar process.

Identify the problem

Often in my past experience, the design problem and target audience haven’t been clearly defined. Other times, teams disagreed about what problems actually exist. This is where a research discovery meeting can be extremely helpful at the beginning of the project, where all teams can have a voice, share data, understand each other, and come to an agreement.

  • Are there notable trends that need to be addressed, based on user research or data analytics?

  • What are people calling customer service about?

  • Is the company losing customers because of specific issues?

  • What problem needs to be solved now, and what problems can be solved later?

Ideate and collaborate

My favorite meetings involve bringing together cross-functional teams to brainstorm possible solutions. I’ve often noticed that some teams tend to be overlooked, and some aren’t even invited to these ideation and working sessions. Other times, it’s impossible to get everyone together so some teams eventually lose track of what’s happening in the design process.

Unfortunately, I’ve seen that engineering teams tend to be left out more than other teams. Front and back-end engineers can provide thoughtful and insightful design ideas, and they understand technical capabilities and constraints. If it’s impossible to get key stakeholders together, ideas should be shared in a centralized location (Jira, Confluence, Google Drive, etc.) where everyone has visibility, can contribute, ask questions, and add comments.


Prototypes help communicate possible solutions. Through prototypes, I can find potential flaws in my messaging and identify potential issues with the overall UX. If a fully functional and interactive prototype can’t be completed, a low fidelity wireframe in Figma or a comparable tool can still communicate a concept, flow, or process.

Through prototypes, I can find out early if the overall UX and content are on the right track or need to be refined. After all, what is a design without user-friendly, functional, and transparent content?

Test and iterate

From a content design perspective, I’m very invested in this stage. I look forward to hearing what end-users say about content I’ve written and flows our design teams have put together. I value user feedback, and I’ll iterate content based on what we discover during usability testing—especially when people say they’re confused by wording or hesitate when making decisions. I’d like to find out several answers during user testing:

  • Do the steps and words make sense?

  • Is the messaging user-friendly and functional?

  • Were you able to complete tasks successfully? Did you have trouble along the way?

  • How do the design and content make you feel?

  • What could be adjusted to help you understand this experience and move forward?

Share knowledge

During every design project, I always keep stakeholders updated on the evolution of content. Gaining alignment always involves a challenge or ten, but backing up decisions with data and reasoning is paramount. Documenting my decision-making trail in Figma also helps out quite a bit. A short annotation that explains my content decisions can go a long way.

How are customers supposed to get the best possible experience without designers, product managers, software engineers, marketing specialists, quality assurance teams, legal & compliance, etc. sharing knowledge along the way? Each team offers its own set of unique expertise that end-users will ultimately benefit from.